Into the harvest

This past week a leader from Asian Hope ministries reached out to us for our advice and possible collaboration.  Asian Hope operates three different socio-economic levels of Christian schooling - for the affluent, upper middle class, and the poor.  They now want to offer schooling for those in the lower middle class, a large part of the population.

They shared their very ambitious goal of starting a school in each of the 25 provinces of Cambodia.  The huge challenge associated with this vision will be finding Khmer teachers.  Ever since the Khmer Rouge decimated the educational system, finding qualified teachers has been a challenge, and finding Christian teachers almost an impossibility.  So, they plan on training their own, which is why they called us.  

How much we end up working with their actual trainings remains to be seen.  We already have a handful of Christian schools that we partner with - and there is more need than we can currently meet.  It is affirming to us, though, to see God working in others as He is working through us!

Here in the US we have been making connections with several churches who share our vision for investing in Christian education in Cambodia.  Though our team is not yet complete, as we are still looking for those God has yet to bring onboard, one way or another we will be heading into to the field come spring.

We thank you for your continued prayers and support.  

The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field.

Luke 10:2

4th grade students at a partner school in Battambang.

Experts at Khmer jump rope!
