In the last post I mentioned one example of how, while busy partnering with Asian Hope and Salaa Hope on their educational projects, God directs us to focus on a single, specific need. During our last visit that was Samphas.
Samphas is a 15 year-old, attending 2nd grade in the new VDP Catch-up School in Kok Rorka. While creating profiles of students at the new VDP school in June, Kirsten met Samphas. When we, of course, asked about her condition, we were told it was neurofibromatosis. Coincidentally, Kirsten had just recently photographed a former student of hers who also has neurofibromatosis.
We know when we are in Cambodia that we cannot address every need we see, so we look for God’s guidance. In this case He put Samphas in our path, showed us the need, and said “this one.” Samphas needs surgery. The tumors that are growing on the nerves near her eye and ear can destroy her vision and hearing, and can also become cancerous. The VDP leadership team is scouring Cambodia to find a facility that is up to the task, and they think now they have found a clinic–foreign run–that can provide the needed services.
Kirsten and I are not doctors and not on the ground, but what we can do is shine a light on the need and, yes, help raise the funds. Our local church in Alaska, Change Point, has dedicated the proceeds from its Coffee with a Cause ministry for the month of August (you might remember that they also helped us procure Bibles for the school in Battambang via the same fund).
If you feel moved to donate to Samphas’ surgery, simply go to Asian Hope, and select Health Carefrom the drop-down box, and your donation will be directed specifically to Samphas.
God doesn’t call us all to the same tasks, but He asks us all to listen. Kirsten and I have been shown God’s working in Cambodia, yet He is working all the time throughout the world. It is for us to join Him wherever He reveals.